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Árbol del Sur School + Nature Reserve

We work in the following areas:

We manage to look after a nature reserve through restoration and conservation actions using sustainable practices and renewable energies.  

We add value to society by providing tools to train individuals in crafts and provide them with resources to start their businesses as a genuine source of work.

Since its birth, our organization has hosted several cultural workshops as well as carried out interdisciplinary projects and research within the public and private sectors.


We are members of:

Argentine Council for Peace

(Consejo de Paz de la República Argentina)

Culture Points Network, Ministry of Culture of Argentina

(Red de Puntos de Cultura)

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About our history

JAGUAR MURAL SOCIAL ACTION (only available in Spanish)
​Buenos Aires, San Martín Jail

Andean ceremony during which a female jaguar with her baby was painted in a mural called “La Fuerza de la Tierra” (“The Force of Earth”). This ceremony took place at the San Martín jail during the 2018 winter solstice.

Interview with Rumi Sardinas Ullpu (only available in Spanish)

CONSEJO DE PAZ DE LA REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA (Council for Peace, only available in Spanish)

As members of the Council for Peace, we delivered a speech intended to get closer to the equilibrium of the Forces that push us to recognize our true Matrix, that is, our essence as Earth’s sons and daughters.

SOCIAL ACTION IN SAN MARTÍN JAIL (only available in Spanish)

We provide inmates with self-knowledge processes that help them to deal better with the time they have to spend in prison, which also results in better physical, mental and spiritual health. The goal is to help them deal with difficult situations inside jail with faith and optimism. Through Tai Chi lessons, they work their will and they acquire knowledge concerning their own skills to sustain themselves by being conscious that they are responsible for their own comprehensive development process.

EL LLAMADO DEL CÓNDOR (The Condor’s Call) (only available in Spanish)

Earth is calling us… In this moment of profound planetary transformation, we want to share a #hope message. We make available this audiovisual material because we wish to meet and hug each other. We are confident that we are being guided towards a new beginning that will find us united in Spirit.

Watch the documentary on YouTube

RELACIÓN CON EL CABALLO (Bonding with Horses, only available in Spanish)

Ankari’s Herd of Horses, Traslasierra Valley​

WARACHIKUY (only available in Spanish)
Andean Race in Buenos Aires

Interview with Tayta Carmelo Ullpu (only available in Spanish)



spiritual retreats
congresses and conferences
workshops and lessons
social action program

Social Action

Árbol del Sur was born in 2014 to provide young people with a framework to affirm their individual selves inside the community by means of experiential workshops and gatherings.  


2016 - 2019 | Social Action Program in San Martín Jail, Unit Number 48 (Penal San Martín, unidad nro. 48)

Our work spread through marginalized areas and we successfully developed Árbol del Sur’s Social Action Program for three consecutive years, which provided inmates with
self-knowledge tools and Tai Chi lessons (ancient practice consisting of physical, mental and spiritual training) that helped them to improve their lives. Also, we conducted artistic works such as three murals painted in the prison yard of wing number 11. The paintings showed the cultural value that native animals, such as the condor, puma and snake, hold for indigenous communities.

2017 - 2019 | Social Action Program in elementary schools

We hosted a workshop called “Los pueblos indígenas y su relación con la Naturaleza” (Indigenous Communities and their Relationship with Nature) for students of private and public elementary schools of the province of Buenos Aires. It aimed to help boys and girls to feel part of Nature and to recognize how their actions can transform the environment.

arbol del sur

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